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Hint – the Emigrant Lists

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The new Digital Archive has not completed putting all the new features in place yet, one of the most cumbersome is perhaps the lack of ability to scroll forward and back in the emigrant lists. There is however a solution. In the address line at the top of your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.), there is a number at the end of the line. This can be changed, and on the way, you can scroll forward and backward in the source.

Screenshot of Emigrant list from White Star Line: SAO, White Star-linjen, D/Da/L0005: Emigrant, 1904-1923, link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/em20100219620001

An example is: Alfred Theodor Andersen has the web address https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/8/pe00000000530936, but if we change the last two numbers to 37, using the full address https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/8/pe00000000530937, we get hits on the next in line, Alfred Thorvald Torgersen. These are two cousins who journeyed to America together. This is not the best solution but it allows you to browse within the lists.