This map shows the Transmigration through Great Britain ca. 1860-1915.
The map is based on the book Slektsgranskerens guide til utvandringen 1825–1930 by Liv Marit Haakenstad, published at Vigmostad & Bjørke (Norway 2013) and the booklet Merseyside Maritime Museum (2003). Maritime Liverpool. The Guide to Merseyside Maritime Museum, HM Customs & Excise Museum, Museum of Liverpool Life. Liverpool: Jarrold Publishing.
- Baines, D. (1991). Emigration from Europe 1815-1930.
- Collette, J. (2002). The Came in Ships.
- Credland, A.G. (2000). The Wilson Line, Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing Limited.
- Haakenstad, L.M. (2013). Slektsgranskerens guide til utvandringen 1825-1930. Vigmostad & Bjørke.
- Kershaw, R. (2002). Emigrants and Expats. A guide to sources on UK emigration and residents overseas.
- Kershaw, R. and Pearsall, M. (2000). Immigrants and Aliens. A guide to sources on UK immigration and citizenship. London: Public Record Office.
- Merseyside Maritime Museum. Emigrants to a New World. Souvenir Guide.
- Mitchell, B.R. (1978). European Historical Statistics 1750-1970.
- Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals (1931/2001). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
- National Museums Liverpool. Maritime Liverpool. The Guide to Merseyside Maritime Museum. Jarrod Publishing.
- Sawyer, C. (1949). Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945. A Supplement to the Statistic Abstract of the United States. United States Department of Commerce, Secretary Bureau of the Census, J. C. Capt, Director.
- Watts, C.T. and M.J. (2009). My ancestor was a merchant seaman. A guide to sources for family historians. London: Society of Genealogists Enterprises Limited.
- Watts, C.T. and M.J. (2004). Tracing births, deaths and marriages at sea. London: Society of Genealogists Enterprises Limited.
- Wyman, M. (1993). Round-trip to America. The immigrants return to Europe, 1880-1930.
Go to, and search for the Sources.
- BT 26 – Inwards Passengers List
- BT 27 – Outwards Passengers List
- BT 32 – Registers of Passenger Lists
- BT153 – Registry of Shipping and Seamen
- BT160 – Registry of Shipping and Seamen
- BT334 – Registers and Indexes of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers 1891-1972
- UK Census Records